Boy did we have fun today or what? You are such a happy baby. You only woke mommy and daddy up two times last night. The first time we got to play for a while and the second time we all went straight back to sleep. Oh, and thank you for sleeping for about 2 hours after we got up. We were told you were an early riser, but we got a lot done while you slept. It was a little surreal waking up next to you and freakin out for about half a sec. Then I would put my hand on your chest and breath a sigh realizing you were still breathing and ok. I guess that's a good thing because you sleep so peacefully. Anyway, we got up and went to McDonald's before going to church. I had you in the baby ergo and everyone thought we looked funny. All the kids loved coming to you and playing with you. Then I found out that no one at this McDonald's spoke English, and I did know enough mandarin to help us out. Luckily they had pictures so we all got thru it. (on a side note, there are no biscuits?, whats up with that!) English muffin sausage for mommy and me. Oh and I did get a hot apple pie... mmmm Those are better here than in the states. Back home they burn them.
Then the baby hom
I am so glad you like me. It could have been a little scary, having a man hold you, and feed you, and change you. You took it all in stride my friend. We have tried forever to get a video uploaded. If we can, I'll show you how much fun we had.
Your mommy is so happy I got you to smile for the camera. We did this for an hour or so until the baby home coordinator picked us up for a very special meeting this evening. We got to meet your birth mommy and your birth daddy. We wanted to meet them to express our gratitude. My view is that God chose them to bring our son into this world, then blessed us with the opportunity to follow Him all the way over here to pick you up.
Wow, so much important stuff happened today. Everyone is sleeping now, so I should probably go. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. We get to meet all the doctors and nurses that have cared for you. Then we get to fly back to Taipei.
Good night son. Love you,
ivdhe hw h wgwe h zx jh ah xz jz uz uu uxz uv xx ... That was from Harrison saying ... you're a pretty awesome daddy! I love you soooooo much already!